For Numerical-solving Skills

PRO Video Course

Build Numerical Solving Skills and become a PRO in Numericals. India’s only course focused on numerical solving.

Unlock the Numerical-mindset !

Guaranteed to improve your question solving skills for GATE
Develop Numerical Solving skills
This course has collection of Solved Examples. Purely focused on developing numerical solving skills of GATE aspirants.
Detailed Explanation and discussion
Every lecture has solved Numericals with detailed explanation by faculty. 360° analysis is done, covering every concept.
PRO Tips and Tricks
Lectures are filled with many PRO tips, tricks and common silly mistakes. These are exclusive to Exergic content and not available in any other source/course.
Learn at your own pace
Recorded content having solved numericals. Access anytime, anywhere, at your own pace!
Question Solving Strategies
Faculty not just solve the question but also tell you strategies to decode the question and get accurate answer.
Systematic Structure
Course is NOT a random collection of lectures. Rather, numericals are structured : Subject-wise and Topic-wise.
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Who should join this course?

Practically any GATE aspirant who wants to get better at numericals!
This course is for you, if you are ..
Self-Study student
Enrolled in any other institute
Fresher with basic syllabus coverage
and if you want to ..
Improve your question solving skills
Solve even difficult numericals with confidence
Increase your accuracy in numericals
Learn numerical concepts

Learn from the best.

Our Faculties have produced GATE Top ranks consistently for years. All faculties are stable and working with long-term vision.
Gaurav Kumar
Mathematics Faculty
  • AIR - 143, GATE 2018 (ME)
  • AIR - 259, GATE 2014 (ME)
  • M. Tech, IIT Madras
  • Teaching for 10+ Years
India's only Mathematics faculty who is also GATE ME topper
Chandresh Mahajan
Mechanical Faculty
  • Founder, EXERGIC
  • Ex-Indian Oil officer
  • AIR - 37, GATE 2014 (ME)
  • Teaching for 10+ Years
India’s most followed & watched Mechanical Faculty on YouTube
Madhurima Chattopadhyay
General Aptitude Faculty
  • Ex-Bank of India officer
  • Cracked IBPS, SBI, CAT
  • Teaching for 8+ Years
India's Only GATE Aptitude faculty who is Ex-PSU Officer.
Why Single Faculty for Mechanical Domain content?
Get all answers in the video below.
It is a MUST watch video for Every Mechanical aspirant.
It will transform your GATE Rank !

The word on EXERGIC.


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Every single day counts! Enroll below in the package most suitable for you.
Course Validity : GATE 2026
PRO Full
Course Duration : 300 hours
Offer ends 23rd May
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Question Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise
PRO Full + Test Series
Offer Ends 30th Sep
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Question Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise
GATE 2025 Test Series
Course Duration : 300 hours
Price rising soon
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Questions Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise
Pro 50
Course Duration : 50 hours
Perfect for LAST Month
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
PRO Tips and Tricks
Question Solving Strategies
PRO Full
Course Duration : 300 hours
Offer ends 23rd May
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Question Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise
Pro 50
Course Duration : 50 hours
Offer Ends 30th Sep
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
PRO Tips and Tricks
Question Solving Strategies
PRO Full
Course Duration : 300 hours
Offe 10th Oct
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Question Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise
Pro 50
Course Duration : 50 hours
Offer Ends 30th Sep
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
PRO Tips and Tricks
Question Solving Strategies
PRO Full
Course Duration : 300 hours
Offer Ends 27th Oct
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Question Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise
PRO Full + Test Series
Offer Ends 27th Oct
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Question Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise
GATE 2025 Test Series
Pro 50
Course Duration : 50 hours
Offer Ends 30th Sep
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
PRO Tips and Tricks
Question Solving Strategies
PRO 50 + Test Series
Offer Ends 16th Nov
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
PRO Tips and Tricks
Question Solving Strategies
GATE 2025 Test Series
PRO Full
Course Duration : 300 hours
Offer Ends 27th Oct
Enroll now
Detailed Video Explanations
ALL PRO Tips and Tricks
ALL Question Solving Strategies
Structured : Subject and Topicwise

Frequently Asked Questions.

Content & Quality
Is PRO Video Course suitable for those who have NOT covered syllabus?

Exergic Pro has been specifically curated for aspirants who have covered the syllabus and are looking forward to improve their numerical solving skills.

If you have covered the theoretical portion of the entire GATE ME syllabus, PRO Video Course will be beneficial for you.

So for those who have not covered syllabus, it is advisable to do their Complete preparation with our FULL Video Courses.

Is PRO Video Course good for rank improvement of repeaters?

Yes! PRO Video Course has been specifically designed for aspirants who are aiming to improve their rank.

Majority problems asked in GATE Mechanical are numerical. So to get a Top rank in it is MUST to have exam-ready Numerical solving skills.

PRO Video Courses are designed to enhance your Numerical Concepts, time management and Numerical-solving skills.

This course not only enhances your numerical skills but also improves your thinking aptitude and conceptual understanding. It has been a game-changer since when it has been launched, especially for repeaters.

With having video lecture content course duration of 300-400 hours, it covers all the numerical concepts necessary to help you crack the GATE examination and achieve a TOP 100 rank.

How many hours of Video content does PRO Video Course has?

There are about 300 hours of lectures in PRO Video Course.

It is a comprehensive video course for understanding the Numerical concepts and building Numerical-solving skills for GATE.

It will provide a 360-degree analysis of all the concepts through solved examples, which are crucial for GATE ME preparation.

These lectures are curated Subject-wise and Topic-wise for all the technical and non-technical subjects of GATE Mechanical.

Are Mathematics and Aptitude also covered in content?

Yes. Entire syllabus of Mechanical Engineering is covered, including Mathematics and Aptitude.

Does it include unlimited Doubt Support?

NO. PRO Video Course does NOT include unlimited Doubt support!

Unlimited Doubt support is available for FULL Video Courses only.

Course Access
Do I need to purchase PRO Video Course separately if I have FULL Video Course?

NO, not at all!

All the video lectures of PRO Video Course are already included in FULL Video Courses. So if you have purchased any FULL Video Course (Base / Core / One), you already have access to all the Solved Examples of PRO Video Course.

How many times can we watch a Pro lecture? Is there any watch limit?

There is no watch limit in Exergic Video courses. You can watch a lecture any number of times.

However, I assure you that lectures are explained in such a simple and easy-to-understand manner, that it will not have any need to watch again and again.

Tip: You also get playback speed control, using which you can increase or decrease playback speed. This will help you in learning at your desired pace.

Bonus Tip: You can bookmark any specific moment of the video lecture if you want to revisit it again. You can access all bookmarks within your student account.

Will I get instant access to all the PRO content instantly?

The content of Exergic PRO is updated regularly throughout the year. So, when you enroll you will have access to already uploaded content.

Questions Practice
Does Exergic offers DPP (Daily practice problems) for practice ?

Exergic offers TSP (Topic-wise Solved Problems) which are a much better as compared to DPP offered by some other institutes.

Read the points below to know how :

  1. DPP are generally a random collection of questions which is given just for practice. On the other hand, Exergic TSP questions very thoughtfully and are made topic-wise to cover even the smallest topics in the syllabus.
  2. DPP are not fully solved and explained, so very few students get benefitted from them. On the other hand, Exergic TSP questions are fully solved and explained so that you actually improve with every question that you solve.
  3. DPP questions are age-old and not in sync with latest GATE Trend. On the other hand, Exergic TSP offer most updated practice questions.
  4. DPP questions are very limited but Exergic TSP have 3000+ questions. Add Exergic Test Series and Question Bank to it and you will have 6000+ questions to practice and solve!

Note: Exergic Full Video Course offer 8500+ questions including Practice Sessions and Solved Examples.

So this should leave no doubt that how Exergic TSP are miles ahead in terms of quality + quantity.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

How many total Questions will I get in Exergic Video Course ?

Exergic has the HIGHEST quantity as well as quality of questions present, in comparison to any other institute.

To talk in numbers:

  • Solved Examples (Videos) : 1,300
  • Solved Examples (Slides) : 300
  • Topic-wise Solved Problems (TSP) : 3,000
  • Practice Sessions : 900
  • Question Bank : 1,100
  • Test Series : 2,100

So in total, Exergic Full Video Course has total of 8,500+ questions.

It is important to note that all these sources have unique questions. All the questions are of different types, varied difficulty level and are curated thoughtfully to serve a specific purpose.

The purpose of each of these sources is listed below:

  1. Solved Examples
    Faculty teaches numerical concepts and Numerical Solving skills through detailed examples
  2. TSP (Topic-wise Solved Problems)
    Purpose: Topic-wise and fully solved problems to be practiced throughout the year
  3. Practice Sessions
    Purpose: Solved Problems with a 3-min timer for every question to increase your speed
  4. Question Bank
    Purpose: Solved Problems with high-quality questions to develop your numerical concepts
  5. Test Series
    Purpose: Questions and Tests similar to GATE level to develop your exam-writing skills
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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

How many questions Exergic TSP has?

Exergic TSP (Topic-wise Solved Problems) has in total more than 3000+ questions.

When combined with all other sources, Exergic Full Video Course offers 8500+ questions including:

  1. TSP
  2. Solved Examples
  3. Practice Sessions
  4. Question Bank
  5. Test Series

All these sources have different types of questions to serve a different specific purpose. Questions in all these sources will help you learn, practice and improve your concepts and numerical solving skills.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What is TSP (Topic-wise Solved Problems) ?

There are some crucial situations when you must solve and practice questions, other than Question Bank and Test Series.

Let me tell you those practical situations:

  • You have just finished a topic but before jumping to difficult questions of Question Bank or Competitive time-based environment of Test Series, you just want to grasp the topic more by practicing questions.
  • You have already completed a topic few months ago and want to revise it by practicing some questions.
  • You just attended a test in Test Series, found some weak areas and want to practice more questions from those areas to strengthen them before attending next test.
  • You have completed entire syllabus and want to improve only your weak topics by practicing questions from those topics.

For all the situations mentioned above, TSPs are a perfect solution as they are segregated TOPIC-wise to cover even the smallest topics in the syllabus.

Note: Do NOT consider TSP as a random collection of questions. Topics are carefully picked and questions are thoughtfully curated to give you the best learning experience while solving questions.

They are fully solved and explained so you will not face any trouble in trying to find out their solutions. This way, you will also learn new ways to solve questions.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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